Blockbusters – Another game show themed board game, this one from 1982.(At the time, the “mystery” of the Bermuda Triangle was a pretty popular topic of discussion.) Bermuda Triangle – A thematic game from 1976 in which the players try to operate ships in and near the Bermuda Triangle.Beat the Clock – A board game version of the game show, which is one of the niches Milton Bradley specializes in.Electronic Battleship was a popular variant when I was younger. Battleship -This was originally a pencil and paper game, but Milton Bradley tricked it up a little bit with some game pieces.Battle Masters – A fantasy themed miniatures game from 1992.(Both companies were bought by Hasbro though.) This was originally a Milton Bradley game, but it’s now branded as an Avalon Hill game. Battle Cry – Recreates several Civil War battles, but it’s not a complicated game at all.Barrel of Monkeys – A toddler’s game that depends mostly on dexterity.Each player starts with $1000 in game money and has to furnish an apartment as nicely as possible for as little money as possible. Bargain Hunter – A 1981 Milton Bradley release for 2-4 players.Axis & Allies – A classic World War II themed board game with countless variants and expansions.Ants in the Pants – A game for toddlers where they try to land their ants into Fido’s pants.It’s somewhat collectible, and you can expect to pay at least $40 for a good condition copy of the game. Animorphs: The Invasion Game – A licensed board game based on the Animorphs intellectual property.

The game takes place in a 3 dimensional house and has bluffing and deduction elements. 13 Dead End Drive – This one has been published in many editions, one of the most common of which is the 1993 edition from Milton Bradley, which sells for around $25 or $30 on eBay.(In a couple of places I linked to a page on another one of our websites which had information about the game.)
Milton.bradley trouble game rules full#
I’ve included brief descriptions of the games, and linked to our full info page on each game that we have a page for. Here’s a list of Milton Bradley board games. Milton Bradley games usually (but not always) fall into one or more of five categories: